Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder is a disorder where the connective tissue surrounding the glenohumeral joint of the Shoulder becomes inflamed and stiff and abnormal bands of tissue form restricting motion and causing chronic pain
What causes Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen Shoulder occurs with no associated injury or discernible cause. There are patients who develop a frozen Shoulder after a traumatic injury to the Shoulder, but this is not the usual cause. Some risk factors for developing a frozen Shoulder include Age/gener,Endocrine Disorders, Shoulder trauma or surgery.

No one really understands why some people develop a frozen Shoulder. For some reason, the Shoulder joint becomes stiff and scarred. The Shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint. The ball is the top of the arm bone (the humeral head), and the socket is part of the Shoulder blade (the glenoid). Surrounding this ball-and-socket joint is a capsule of tissue that envelops the joint.

Normally, the Shoulder joint allows more motion than any other joint in the body. When a patient develops a frozen Shoulder, the capsule that surrounds the Shoulder joint becomes contracted. The patients form bands of scar tissue called adhesions. The contraction of the capsule and the formation of the adhesions cause the frozen Shoulder to become stiff and cause movement to become painful
What are the treatments for frozen Shoulder?

The treatment is a combination of medication, physiotherapy and home exercise. Some patients require manipulation of the Shoulder joint under anaesthesia to break down the abnormal tissue bands. Arthroscopic debridement of the scar tissue may be necessary for more severe cases. There are different treatments depending on condition which Dr.Kevin yip will advise during the consultation, if there is a need for a treatment or surgery. For an appointment with Dr.Kevin yip please call +65 6471 2691(24hours).