Ankle Fracture

When a pressure/stress on the ankle beyond the strength of its elements, you injure the joint.

  • If only the ligaments give way and tear, you have sprained the ankle.
  • If a bone gives way and breaks, you have an ankle fracture
  1. Fractures can occur with simultaneous tears of the ligaments. You can do this in several ways:
  2. Rolling the ankle in or out
  3. Twisting the ankle side to side
  4. Extreme flexing or extending of the joint
  5. Severe force applied to the joint by coming straight down on it as in jumping from a high level

What is the symptoms of ankle fracture?

Signs and symptoms of ankle injuries and fratures tend to be obvious. Pain is the most common complaint.

  • Often the pain will not come from the exact area of the fracture.
  • You may experience associated fractures of your foot (especially on the side of the small toe) or knee that also cause pain.
  • It is usually pain in the ankle that stops you from walking.
  • Swelling suggests either soft tissue damage with possible blood around the joint or fluid within the joint itself, most likely blood.
  • When blood is in the joint, it is called hemarthrosis
  • Your skin may be stretched over an underlying broken bone.
  • You may see actual exposed bone

Swelling frequently occurs around the ankle. You may see bruising (“black and blue”) about the joint, although not immediately. This bruising can track down toward the sole of your foot or toward the toes. In severe fractures you may see obvious deformities of bones around the ankle. If you injure nerves or blood vessels that supply your foot, you may experience even more pain along with pale skin in the foot, numbness, or inability to move your foot or toes.

When should you seek Medical Care or treatment?

When you have injured an ankle, there several things you can look for to determine whether or not you need to see your doctor/Orthopaedic Surgeon. Either one of the followig you encounter, please consult an Orthopaedic Surgeon.

  • You cannot bear weight on the ankle.
  • Your pain remains intolerable despite using over-the-counter pain medications.
  • Your foot or ankle continues to be numb or partially numb.
  • Gross deformity of the ankle bones
  • Bones visible outside your skin
  • Inability to move your toes
  • Inability to move your ankle at all
  • Total numbness of the foot
  • Cold or blue foot

There are different treatments depending on condition which Dr.Kevin yip will advise during the consultation, if there is a need for a treatment or surgery. For an appointment with Dr.Kevin yip please call +65 6471 2691(24hours)