Toenail Fungus, is it serious?

Nail fungus is also known as Onchyomycosis. Toenail Funges is a fungal infection in one or more of your nails. An infection with nail fungus may begin as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the nail fungus spreads deeper into your nail, it may cause your nail to discolor, thicken and develop crumbling edges — an unsightly and potentially painful problem.

An infection with nail fungus may be difficult to treat, and it may recur. But medications are available to help clear up nail fungus.

What are the symptoms of Toenail Fungus?

  • nail to thicken and become yellow
  • nail look dark and often crumpled
  • starts out looking like a white or yellow spot on the toenail or fingernail.
  • the nail fungus works its way underneath the nail down to the nail bed gradually
  • nail will become yellow looking and more ridged
  • nail start to crumble or flake off around the edges

What are the causes of Toenail Fungus?

  • poor blood circulation when gets older.
  • exposed to environments that have fungal growths as getting older.
  • nails get thicker and grow more slowly as ageing, which adds to the potential for contracting nail fungus
  • Accidentally damaging your nail, by slamming it in a door or hitting it with something.
  • Perspiring heavily

What are the treatments for Toenail Fungus?

  • Oral anti-fungal medications
  • Surgery may be recommended for severe case

What are the preventions for Toenail Fungus?

  • As nail fungus breeds in dark, damp, places, keeping your hands and feet dry as much as possible is a good idea. Expose your hands and feet to light and clean fresh air as often as you can.
  • Keep a spare pair of socks available so that if you get your current ones wet, you can change them out for a dry pair. Change your socks and shoes after exercising or if your feet sweat a great deal.
  • Never wear overly tight shoes
  • Wear sandals or flip flops when spending time in public places that are wet, such as public pools, locker rooms or public showers.
  • Keep your nails neatly trimmed
  • Consider bringing your own tools when you go for a manicure or pedicure. This may seem awkward, but it does ensure that the tools being used on your body are sterilized.
  • Alternately, confirm that your salon actually sterilizes its instruments and practices good hygiene.
  • Ask your nail technician to please clean the basin with bleach before putting your hands or feet into it.

NOTE: Once a nail fungal infection begins, it can persist indefinitely if not treated. See Dr Kevin Yip at the first sign of nail fungus, which is often a tiny white or yellow spot under the tip of your nail so he can discuss with you what are the treatments option that available. Call us at (65) 6471 2691 – 24HR Hotline now.