A must to know, Back pain

Do you ever have a sleepless night due to back pain? or after long hour or work, in office, or sports activities and you encounter back pain?

Below are some of the symptoms that caused back pain.

  • Slip Disc / Herniated Disc
  • Scoliosis
  • Sciatica
  • Tail Bone (Coccydynia)
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Mid Back Pain (Thoracic Pain)
  • Back Strain
  • Lower Back Pain
It’s time to care for your back. Don’t let back pain affect the quality of your life! Simply call us for an appointment Now!

Do you or anyone around you ever complain of backache? Backache or back pain is a common disorder which affects the quality of life of many. Back pain can be short in duration or sometimes persistent. In most cases, the pain subsides on its own without treatment within a few weeks. However, not every back pain can be self-treated. If you have back pain that does not improve after weeks, backache associated with numbness or tingling, severe pain that does not improve after rest, and pain after a fall or an injury, you should see doctor immediately by calling us for an appointment.

Symptoms of Back Pain

  • Muscle ache
  • Pain that radiates down your leg
  • Numbness or weakness in one or both legs or around your buttock
  • Pain that is getting worse and is spreading up your spine like shooting or stabbing pain
  • Inability to stand straight
  • Limited range of movement of your back

Causes of Back Pain

  • Aging. As we grow older, our spine ages with us too, especially after 30 years old.
  • Physically inactive lifestyle. Sitting for long hours without proper posture and prolonged standing may lead to back problems. So, do you spend more time in from of the desk working or playing games or watching TV for long hours? Do you often lean back to relax or sliding down on your favorite sofa with bad posture? If your answer is yes to one or more of those bad-straining habits, it won’t do any good for your back in the long run.
  • Sleeping position. Unhealthy sleeping position can aggravate your back problem.
  • Obesity. People with obesity have added force on their lower back and aggravate the pain.
  • Fracture – a crack or break in one of the bones in your back
  • Other diseases. Those with existing back conditions such as slipped discs, arthritis in the spine, osteoporosis and others are at higher risk of having persistent back pain.

How’s Back Pain diagnosed?

  • X-ray
  • MRI

Back Pain Solutions

  • Medications like anti-inflammatory medication, pain relieves, and nerve regenerating medicatio
  • Hot / Cold packs can apply to the affected area in order to help to relieve the pain temporarily by soothing sore and stiff back.
  • Back Supports for better comfort leve
  • Physiotherapy. Treatment can involve exercises, posture advice, massage, and techniques known as spinal mobilization and spinal manipulation. Treatment course normally last about 6 to 12 weeks.
  • Epidural Injection. This type of injection can be done at Clinic as outpatient treatment
  • Surgery may consider for severe cases when the back pain does not improve after several attempts to conservative treatments. On average, about 1 in 10 people may require the surgery and surgery is considered to be last resort of treating the chronic back pain. Fenestration and Discectomy may require for prolapsed intervetebral disc.

How to prevent back pain?

  • Find your correct standing posture by squeezing you buttocks, pulling your “pits to your hips”, and tucking in your chin
  • Take frequent standing breaks top bend backward 5-6 repetitions, every hour if you have low back pain
  • Find your correct sitting posture using the slouch-overcorrect technique. Do 10 repetitions, 3 times a day, and at any time you experience pain.
  • Avoid twisting your body when moving an object
  • Lift with your legs keeping your back straight, standing as close as possible to the object to be lifted
  • Take regular exercise like swimming


  • Good sleeping postures
    If you are a side sleeper, draw your legs up slightly towards your chest and put a pillow between your legs.
    If you are a back sleeper, placing pillow under your knees will help to maintain the normal curve of your back.


  • Occupational – related. Back pain is “collar-blind”, affecting both blue and white-collar workers. However, blue-collar workers are more prone to having more back problems than white-collar workers. Bending, lifting, pushing, twisting or straining too harsh can result in back pain.