Pediatric Hip

Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. The most common Pediatric hip is Hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is the medical name used to describe a problem with formation of the hip joint in children. The location of the problem can be either the ball of the hip joint (femoral head), the socket of the hip joint (the acetabulum), or both.

The exact cause of hip dysplasia is not easy to pin down, as there are thought to be several factors that contribute to developing this condition. Hip dysplasia occurs in about 0.4% of all births, and is most common in first born girls. Some known risk factors for a child to have hip dysplasia include, Children with a family history of hip dysplasia,Babies born in breech position,Babies born with other “packaging problems”, Oligohydraminos (lack of intrauterine fluid).

Diagnosis of hip dysplasia in the infant is based on the physical examination findings. Your doctor will feel for a “hip click” when performing special maneuvers of the hip joint. These maneuvers, called the Barlow and Ortolani tests, will cause a hip that is out of position to “click” as it moves in and out of the proper position.

What are the treatments for Pediatric Hip?

The treatment of hip dysplasia depends on the age of the child. The goal of treatment is to properly position the hip joint (“reduce” the hip). Once an adequate reduction is obtained, the doctor will hold the hip in that reduced position and allow the body to adapt to the new position. The younger the child, the better capacity to adapt the hip, and the better chance of full recovery. Over time, the body becomes less accommodating to repositioning of the hip joint. While treatment of hip dysplasia varies for each individual baby.

There are different treatments depending on condition which Dr.Kevin yip will advise during the consultation, if there is a need for a treatment or surgery. For an appointment with Dr.Kevin yip please call +65 6471 2691(24hours)